- Protect both the ICT networks and the consumers.
- Ensure that only registered devices are used in public networks.
- 2G, 3G, and 4G technologies,
- WLAN technology,
- RFID technology,
- PSTN technology,
- Short-range devices (SRD),
- Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS).
- Water boilers and kettles
- Coffee makers of all kinds
- Home Electric fryers
- Electric pumps with 5 hp or less
- Power cables
- Video game consoles and controllers
- radio warning equipment;
- radio remote control equipment;
- magnetic measuring equipment; and
- general data transmission equipment.
- products that only have a USB connection for power supply with an input voltage of DC 5V, without power adapters ,and that are not powered by the secondary battery
- products only charging by automobile power supply with car cigarette lighter adapter and not powered by secondary battery
- products using three-phase voltage or primary battery as power supply only
- toy products that are subject to inspection as announced by BSMI.
- Fans operating with a voltage equal to or less than 12 V;
- Fans to be incorporated as part of an end product;
- Fans destinated for industrial use;
- Fans to be used as air extractors;
- Tower, ion or bladeless fans.
- Electrical and Electronic Products;
- Mechanical/Building and Construction Materials; and Chemical and Other Consumer Products and Systems.
- electric grills
- electric fans
- electric ovens
- turbo broilers
- induction cookers
- washing machines
- spin extractors
- refrigerators
- air conditioners
- electric juicers
- electric food mixers
- electric food processors
- electric kettles
- electric pressure cookers
- electric multi-cookers
- television sets
- incandescent lamps
- self-ballasted LED lamps
- circuit breakers
- plugs
- snap switches
- ceramic tiles
- child restraint systems.
資訊 / 電信 ITE / Telecom
Brazil 巴西
2021年2月26日,ANATEL發佈了第1306號法案。該新法案對第14448號法案 (評估受限輻射設備合格評定的技術要求) 進行更新,將Wi-Fi 6E技術要求納入了5,925-7,125 MHz的頻率範圍 (項目11.7)。
On February 26, 2021, ANATEL released the Act nº 1306. This new Act updates Act 14448 (Technical Requirements For Assessing Conformity Assessment of Restricted Radiation Equipment) to include the Wi-Fi 6E technical requirements in the frequency range of 5,925-7,125 MHz (Item 11.7).
Botswana 波札那
波札那通信監管局 (BOCRA) 正在準備有關支援SIM卡設備的形式認證批准新指南。這些準則將於2022年1月1日生效。
The Botswana Communications Regulatory Authority (BOCRA) is preparing New Guidelines on Type Approval Verification of SIM-enabled devices.
These guidelines will come into effect on January 1, 2022, with the aim to:
After this date, devices that support SIM function (WWAN devices connected to Network operators) will be required to complete:
1.The type approval registration process.
2.Register their IMEI in the BOCRA database.
For the IMEI registration below information is required:
a.Device Brand and Model.
b.IMEI/TAC number.
c.BOCRA Type Approval ID Number.
Upon successful completion of the verification process, compliant devices will be given access to the network. For non-compliant devices, a notification message will be sent to the individual devices. The non-compliant devices will be denied access to the network until completing the process.
Bhutan 不丹
不丹資訊和媒體管理局 (BICMA) 最近發布修訂後的《規則與條例》(NRRR-2021),該條例於2021年1月1日生效並廢除《 2011年國家無線電規則》。
The Bhutan InfoComm and Media Authority (BICMA) has recently published the revised Rules and Regulations (NRRR-2021) which came into effect on 1st January 2021.
The National Radio Rules 2011 was repealed by the above Rules and Regulations.
BICMA has also released its National Radio Frequency Allocation Plan 2021 (NRFAP-2021).
China 中國
[法規草案] 2021年2月19日,中國工業和資訊化部 (MIIT) 提出《無線充電設備 (輸電) 無線電管理的暫時規定》。 該法規草案旨在規範無線充電設備的使用,以避免對各種合法開發的無線電服務產生有害干擾。該提案開放徵求意見直至2021年3月20日。
On 19 February 2021, the Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) proposed Interim Provisions on Radio Management of Wireless Charging Equipment (Power Transmission).
This draft regulation aims to regulate the use of wireless charging equipment to avoid harmful interference to all kinds of legally developed radio services.
The wireless charging referred to in this draft regulation refers to the use of magnetic induction, magnetic resonance, and capacitive coupling to realize near-field power transmission technology from the power source to load. Wireless charging equipment is non-radio equipment that radiates radio waves.
The regulations related to micro-power short-range radio transmission equipment do not apply to wireless charging devices.
This draft regulation applies to wireless charging equipment for mobile, portable and electric vehicles (including motorcycles).
The mobile and portable wireless charging equipment should work in the frequency bands of 100-148.5kHz, 6765-6795kHz, 13553-13567kHz, and the rated transmission power should not exceed 50W. The wireless charging equipment for electric vehicles with a rated transmission power greater than 22kW but not more than 120kW should work in the 19-21kHz frequency band, and the one with a rated transmission power not exceeding 22kW should work at 79- 90kHz frequency band.
In accordance with Article 9, the instructions of wireless chargers need to provide certain information, including product name, model, special identification, rated transmission power, operating frequency range, usage scenarios or usage conditions, disabled area for wireless charging devices, usage extreme environmental conditions, etc.
Companies that produce or import wireless charging equipment are encouraged to use voluntary certification to ensure quality, they are also encouraged to add or display special labels for wireless charging equipment before leaving the factory or before entering China.
This draft regulation proposed that from 1 January 2022, the wireless charging equipment sold and used in China shall comply with these regulations, and the wireless charging devices that have been put into use before the publication of this regulation, can in principle be used until they are scrapped.
The proposal is opened to comments from interested parties until 20 March 2021.
Jordan 約旦
In February 2021, the Jordanian Telecommunications Regulatory Commission issued a list of technical rules, standards, and specifications for telecommunications and terminal equipment.
These standards and specifications are mandatory to obtain a type approval certificate and to allow telecommunications equipment into the Kingdom. The list covers a range of areas including radio frequency, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), public health and safety, the environment, and restricting the use of hazardous substances (RoHS) for one hundred and forty types and classes of devices.
The list includes specifications for devices that use the following technologies, among others:
Based on Article 5C of Decision No. 9-1/2020 on Type Approvals for Wired and Wireless Telecommunication Equipment, any company that aims to obtain a type approval certificate must provide the Commission with technical test reports issued by a testing laboratory. Those should include reports on radio frequency, EMC, Safety, and SAR evaluation, which prove the devices conform to the technical rules, standards, and specifications for telecommunications and terminal equipment.
Malaysia 馬來西亞
馬來西亞標準與工業研究協會 (SIRIM) 將針對通訊產品及多媒體產品未隨貨提供的適配器實施申報通知,以確保產品不與適配器一起販售時,兩者都能符合法規要求。另宣佈自2021年3月1日起,申請型式認證時需提供一份聲明 — 不與通訊和多媒體產品一起提供以茲驗證的適配器聲明 (範本由SIRIM提供)。
Malaysia SIRIM announced the implementation of the declaration for adaptors that would come into force from March 1, 2021. All applicants of Type Approval are required to provide a declaration letter from the Principal or Manufacturer and submit it together with each Type Approval application.
The declaration letter shall follow the template provided by SIRIM, namely the DECLARATION FOR ADAPTOR NOT SUPPLIED TOGETHER WITH COMMUNICATIONS AND MULTIMEDIA PRODUCT TO BE CERTIFIED. The necessary details to be declared:
i) The regulatory model or marketing name and brand name of the product to be sold on its own without an adaptor
ii) The model name of the compatible adaptor(s) for the product specified above
iii) The Certificate Holder’s obligation to obtain a Certificate of Approval (CoA) from the Energy Commission (Suruhanjaya Tenaga) and to affix the SIRIM-ST label on the adaptors
Mexico 墨西哥
根據2021年2月25日生效的墨西哥聯邦電信機構 (IFT) 所發佈的新的合格評定程式 (PEC),公布了四種驗證類型,同時規定涵蓋電信產品的合格證書 (CoC) 將不再可轉讓,並且各個組件獲得的證書不能擴展至最終產品。因此,墨西哥的每個電信產品進口商,分銷商或賣方都必須獲得自己的技術標準NOM CoC,以及所需的後續IFT批准。
Under a new Conformity Assessment Procedure (PEC) issued by the Mexican Federal Telecommunications Institute (IFT), effective February 25, 2021. PEC establishes four certification schemes according to the needs of the applicant, and product categories:
(i) sample by product models for a single lot;
(ii) sample by product models, and oversight for more than one lot;
(iii) sample per model family, and oversight;
(iv) sample by telecommunications or broadcasting device, and oversight.
Remark: “oversight” procedure means the Accredited Certification Body must carry out compliance monitoring visits in warehouses and points of sale owned or leased by the CoC owner.
Below are the key points for the New Conformity Assessment Procedure (PEC):
With the new PEC regulation, the certificate of conformity, test report, and expert opinion become non-transferable. Their holder is required to be the Real Importer. This allows the authority have greater traceability regarding the ownership.
After February 25 it is not possible to obtain approval of the module. Then, when a host product integrates a module that did not obtain IFT approval before, the host product will require to be certified.
Products can be certified as a family, considering that: Family is a group of models of a product intended for telecommunications, with the same brand, in which the variants between them are about aesthetic or appearance, but keeps the same technical characteristics (card for the transceiver/transmitter with the same RF path, chips, components, antenna(s), frequency(s) and technology(s) of operation) and the same functionalities. The user manual for each product model that is part of the family must show the same functionalities.
The HS code of the product must be provided directly by the customer. The customs authority in Mexico requires an 8-digit HS code. The HS Code information is very sensitive, please suggest the clients verify it first with the Mexican importer.
The regulation applies to devices subject to the following standards:
NOM-196-SCFI-2016 (IFT-004-2014)
NOM-208-SCFI-2016 (IFT-008-2015)
NOM-218-SCFI-2017 (IFT-005-2016)
NOM-221/2-SCFI-2018 (IFT-011-2017)
Mexico 墨西哥
2021年2月26日,有關比吸收率 (SAR) 測試和驗證的新技術標準IFT-012-2019正式生效。符合規範的先前驗證的設備必須符合新法規,並且測試只能在墨西哥當地認可實驗室完成。
On February 26, 2021, the new technical standard IFT-012-2019 for Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) testing and certification entered into force.
IFT-012-2019 applies to products, equipment, or devices with a radio frequency transmitter or transceiver, that make use of radio spectrum or connect to a telecommunications network in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 6 GHz and which are used:
Near the head, particularly close to the ear, in the frequency range of 300 MHz to 6 GHz, and/or at a distance equal to or lesser than 200 mm from the human body, in the frequency range from 30 MHz to 6 GHz.
Please note that previously certified devices that fall under the aforementioned specifications must comply with the new regulations and that the testing can exclusively be done by an Accredited Certification Body located in Mexico.
Thailand 泰國
2021年3月2日,TISI公佈新法規TIS 1195-2561。 寬限期為180天。 2021年8月29日之後,根據舊標準TIS1195-2536頒發的所有產品證書將被自動撤回。新標準TIS1195-2561適用於家用,類似用途的音訊,視頻和類似電子設備。
On March 2, 2021, TISI announced in the Royal Gazette new regulation TIS 1195-2561. There is a grace period of 180 days. After August 29, 2021, all product certificates issued under the old standard TIS1195-2536 will be automatically withdrawn.
New standard TIS1195-2561 applies to audio, video, and similar electronic apparatus intended for household and similar general use. Tentative products under mandatory scope are TV, speaker, game console, and its power supply adapter. For products such as video projector, video camera, CCTV camera, tape recorders, external hard disk drive, CD writer, LED/LCD monitor, Wi-Fi router, TISI has not concluded yet if they are under the mandatory scope.
Saudi Arabia 沙烏地阿拉伯
沙烏地阿拉伯標準局 (Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Organization, SASO) 預計自2021年7月1日起增加最新的IECEE認證之管控範圍。管控清單上的產品皆需要申請取得SASO IECEE Recognition Certificate (簡稱SIRC證書)。
On 10 March 2021, the Saudi Organization for Standardization, Metrology, and Quality SASO announced that obtaining the IECEE national recognition certificate for some electrotechnical products is becoming mandatory starting from 1 July 2021.
The NEW products covered by this announcement are:
SASO clarifies that this requirement shall ensure the protection of the market from counterfeit devices and equipment, and it shall protect the consumers from imported products that do not conform to the standards. It also aims to reduce the accidents that these products may cause, and facilitate the entry of goods through customs ports without the need for repeated inspection and testing.
Vietnam 越南
[法規草案] 2021年3月9日,越南資訊通信部發佈關於40 GHz至246 GHz頻率範圍內的短距離無線電設備的國家技術法規草案。
On 9 March 2021, the Vietnamese Ministry of Information and Communications issued a Draft National Technical Regulation on short-range radio equipment in the frequency range of 40 GHz to 246 GHz.
This Draft Regulation applies to general types of radio transmitters and transceivers, operating in the frequency range from 40 GHz to 246 GHz, including:
The requirements apply to all individuals and companies engaged in the production and trading of applicable devices within Vietnam.
Testing Conditions:
The Draft Technical Regulation contains detailed testing provisions, relating to the appropriate conditions and procedures for testing covered devices in line with the requirements of the Draft Technical Regulation. These provisions relate, inter alia, to the following: environmental conditions for testing; selection of samples for testing; interpretation of measurement results; testing of transmitters; and testing of receivers.
The proposed date of entry into force for this Draft Regulation is 1 January 2022.
The deadline for comments regarding this Draft Regulation is 9 May 2021.
Ukraine 烏克蘭
烏克蘭經濟發展,貿易和農業部於2021年1月18日發佈第84-21號命令,確立RoHS認證的最新要求。 從2021年11月18日開始,RoHS認證需符合EN / IEC 63000標準,不再接受EN 50581的要求。 2021年11月18日之前獲得批准的產品不需要更新。
The Ministry of Economic Development, Trade and Agriculture in Ukraine released Order #84-21 on January 18, 2021, which establishes updated requirements for RoHS approvals. Starting November 18, 2021, to obtain RoHS approval, compliance to EN/IEC 63000 is necessary and compliance to EN 50581 will no longer be accepted. Products approved before November 18, 2021, do not require updated RoHS approvals.
家用電器 Household Appliances
Taiwan 台灣
[擬議修正案] 台灣標準檢驗局 (BSMI) 提議對電風扇、吸塵器、電動食物研磨機、電動食物攪拌機、電動榨汁機、電燙髮機和電動按摩器具的強制性商品檢規則進行修訂。 擬訂的修正案增加了在檢查範圍內具有二次電池/電池的產品。 擬訂修正案涵蓋的7種產品使用的二次鋰電池/電池應符合CNS 15364:2013以及CNS 62133-2:2018的第7.3.8.1節「振動」和7.3.8.2節「機械衝擊」。
On 19 February 2021, the Taiwan Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) proposed to amend the mandatory commodity inspection rules for electric fans, vacuum cleaners, electric food grinders, electric food mixers, electric juicers, hair perm machines, and electric massage appliances.
This proposed amendment adds products with secondary cells/batteries in the inspection scope.
The secondary lithium cells/batteries used by the 7 products covered by this proposed amendment shall comply with CNS 15364: 2013 and Sections “vibration” and “mechanical shock” of CNS 62133-2: 2018.
The following products will be exempted from the mandatory commodity inspection rules:
According to this proposed amendment, the revised inspection scope will be implemented from 1 January 2023 for imported and domestic products,
Certificates issued before 31 December 2022 will remains valid until their expiry date.
Interested parties can submit their comments on this proposal until April 20, 2021.
燈具 / LED Luminaires / LED
Chile 智利
智利電力和燃料監督局 (SEC) 於2020年12月21日發佈了第33810號決議,該決議批准了2020年11月30日關於道路和街道照明安全測試的第5/07:2020號PE議定書。 根據該議定書,該協定將於2022年2月28日生效。從該日期起,本國製造商,進口商和銷售商在其產品商業化之前必須獲得相關的批准證書。 一經生效,將廢除2009年9月23日現有的第5/07號議定書。5/07:2020號PE議定書的主要變化是測試標準升級為: IEC 60598-1:2017, IEC 60598-2-3:2011。
On 21 December 2020, the Chilean Superintendence of Electricity and Fuels (SEC) issued Resolution No. 33810 which approved Protocol PE No. 5/07:2020 of 30 November 2020, on safety testing of road and street lighting.
According to the Resolution, the Protocol will be effective from 28 February 2022. From that date, national manufacturers, importers, and marketers, prior to the commercialisation of their products, must obtain the related Certificate of Approval.
Once in force, the existing Protocol No. 5/07 of 23 September 2009 will be repealed.
From the text of the draft, it emerges that the Protocol would establish the requirements for the safety certification procedures for the following:
Luminaires for road and street lighting and other outdoor public lighting applications, tunnel lighting, overhead column lighting at 2.5 metres or higher, and incandescent fluorescent discharge LED lamps all of which are supplied by 1.000 volts or less and come under the scope of standards IEC 60598-2-3: 2011-1 and IEC 60598-1: 2017-09.
The procedures outlined do not apply to LED luminaires that work solely with photovoltaic energy systems or luminaires to be used exclusively in explosion-proof areas.
Any discrepancies between the draft and the final text, if existing, will be outlined once the Protocol is published.
Colombia 哥倫比亞
On 05 February 2021, the Colombian Ministry of Mines and Energy published Resolution No. 40031 to extend the validity of the Technical Regulation for Lighting and Public Lighting – RETILAP, approved by Resolution No. 18040, 2010.
The validity of the RETILAP regulation, including its last revision approved by Resolution No. 40122/2016, has been extended for a further two years.
This Resolution entered into force on 5 February 2021.
Vietnam 越南
越南工業部於2020年12月21日發布批准關於螢光燈中汞含量的國家技術法規的45/2020 / TT-BCT號通告的最終版本。該通告函定於2022年7月1日生效。
On 21 December 2020, the Vietnamese Ministry of Industry published the final version of Circular 45/2020/TT-BCT approving the National Technical Regulation on Mercury Content in Fluorescent Lamps.
This Circular governs mercury content in fluorescent lamps and specifies the technical requirements, testing methods, and testing rules.
This proposal applies to enterprises and individuals that manufacture, import or commercialise fluorescent lamps containing mercury, as listed in the Annex to the Regulation.
In accordance with the measures outlined in Section II of the Technical Regulation, the mercury content in fluorescent lamps shall meet the requirements listed in Table 1. Table 1 details a list of fluorescent lamp types and the associated mercury limits, and implements Annex A, Part 1 of the Minamata Convention.
In accordance with the measures outlined in Section III, businesses are obliged to have a certificate of conformity and declaration of conformity before the products are sold on the market. It’s also necessary to have a conformity mark sealed on the products. Businesses would also be required to register the conformity certificate with the Service of Industry and Trade where they are registered.
This Circular is scheduled to enter into force on 1 July 2022.
能源效率要求 Energy Efficiency Requirements
Mexico 墨西哥
2021年3月4日,墨西哥在聯邦公報上發布新標準NOM-031-ENER-2019 (街道照明和公共室外區域的LED燈具的能源效率、規格和測試方法)。該標準將在其發布後90天 (約2021年6月3日) 生效。
On 04 March 2021, it was published in the Federal Gazette of Mexico the new standard NOM-031-ENER-2019, Energy efficiency for LED luminaires for street lighting and public outdoor areas. Specifications and test methods. This NOM standard establishes the specifications and test methods that promote the efficient use of energy in luminaires with light-emitting diodes (LEDs), intended for lighting roads and public outdoor areas, which use the electrical energy of the public service, as well as other energy sources, such as cells, batteries, accumulators and self-generation, in alternating current and/or direct current, with a nominal voltage up to 480V in alternating current and up to 100V in direct current.
The standard will enter into enforcement 90 days after its publication (approx. June 3rd, 2021).
Mexico 墨西哥
[法規草案] 2021年3月2日在墨西哥在聯邦公報發布標準草案PROY-NOM-034-ENER / SE-2020 (風扇的能效和安全要求、限值、測試方法和標籤)。該草案有60天的諮詢期。 到目前為止,尚無強制執行的提案日期。
On 02 March 2021, it was published in the Federal Gazette of Mexico the draft standard PROY-NOM-034-ENER/SE-2020, Energy efficiency and Safety requirements for Fans. Limits, test methods, and labeling. This draft establishes the minimum Energy Efficiency of ceiling fans, with or without lighting equipment and wall, pedestal, floor, and table fans, as well as the test methods, safety requirements, labeling and the procedure for conformity assessment.
This draft does not apply to:
The draft is published for 60 days consultation period. So far there is no proposal date to be enforced.
Qatar 卡達
卡達經濟貿易部發布第1/2021號決議,批准QS 2663: 2020標準的更新版本。該標準涉及空調的能效標籤和最低能效要求。該決議於2021年2月22日在官方公報上公布之日生效。
The Qatari Ministry of Economy and Trade has issued Decision No. 1/2021 approving the updated version of standard QS 2663:2020 on Energy Labelling and Minimum Energy Performance Requirements for Air-Conditioners.
This standard specifies the energy labelling requirements and the Minimum Energy Performance Standard (MEPS) requirements for single-package (such as window type) split-system non-ducted air conditioners using air and water-cooled condensers, and heat pumps employing air-cooled condensers and ducted air-conditioners using air-to-air heat pumps for the residential, commercial and industrial sector, as applicable in accordance with Qatari standards.
This Decision entered into force on 22 February 2021, on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette.
Thailand 泰國
泰國工業部於2021年3月2日發布部級法規,要求使用壓縮空氣冷卻系統和交流電的冰箱/冰櫃必須符合泰國工業標準TIS 2186-2561 (2018),其中規定了該產品的能效要求。 該標準將從2021年8月29日起強制實施。
This Ministerial Regulation was published by the Thai Ministry of Industry on 2 March 2021, under the authority of the Industrial Product Standards Act.
The Regulation requires that certain household refrigerators and refrigerator-freezers, such as refrigerators/freezers using compressed air cooling system and alternating current meet Thai Industrial Standard TIS 2186 – 2561 (2018) specifying the energy efficiency requirements of said products, and are approved in accordance with the Announcement No. 5711 of the Ministry of Industry dated 29 May 2020.
The standard will be of mandatory application with effect from 29 August 2021.
其他 / 多主題產品 Others / Products with Multiple Subjects
India 印度
IS 1293 插頭與插座實施的工業資訊指南。
Guideline for Information to Industry regarding the implementation of IS 1293:
• At present IS1293:2005 and IS1293:2019 both are equally acceptable but after the following date i.e. 23rd Oct 2021, only IS 1293:2019 will remain active.
• Initially varieties of 2P, 16 A were not covered in either of the previous two versions of IS1293. But now, it has been included in IS1293:2019 through Amendment-1.
• Varieties of 10 A/ 2P+E are not included in IS1293:2019 with Amendment-1. However, these varieties like 10 A/2P+E along with non-rewireable plugs only of 10 A/ 2P will be added in new standard through Amendment-2 which is under discussion.
• DPIIT notified Plugs and Socket-outlets as per IS 1293 for mandatory certification by BIS. This Quality Control Order is in effect from 2020/12/01.
India 印度
Miety has issued a notification on the Extension of products covered under Phase V.
The date of coming into effect of this Order was 01st April 2021. And now it is hereby notified that the date of implementation of the Order stands extended to 01st October 2021.
Philippines 菲律賓
菲律賓工業貿易局的標準局 (DTI-BPS) 在21-05號通告中發布強制認證的最新產品列表。該通知函於2021年1月25日生效。
The Department of Trade and Industry’s Bureau of Philippine Standards (DTI-BPS) published an updated list of products under mandatory certification in Circular No. 21-05.
The DTI-BPS updated the list which is classified into 3 groups namely:
The products covered include, inter alia, the following:
This Circular entered into force on 25 January 2021.